Exploring the Various Chat GPT Domains: 19.1% of All Registered Domains with Keyword chatgpt are for Sale

Out of all registered domains, only 10.1% are active and in use. The majority of domains, around 70.8%, are parked or taken but not used yet. Interestingly, around 19.1% of registered domains are available for sale. These are domain names that their owners have put on the market with a price tag. The price range for these domains varies significantly, with some selling for as little as a few hundred euros, while others can cost tens of thousands of euros.

The chart presented below illustrates the distribution of domains according to their status, displaying the total share of each status. The data used for this analysis was collected from a sample of domains and categorized into three statuses: active, inactive, and parked., Dynadot LLC, and NameCheap, Inc are identified as major domain registrars for domains containing the keyword "chatgpt" The analysis shows that has the largest market share at 39.38%, followed by Dynadot LLC with 11.44%, and NameCheap, Inc with 10.14%. The chart presented below displays the total share of main registrars.
