

We check new domain registrations all around the world and immediately show you when new domains contain your trademark. There are hundreds of millions of internet domains - more than 100,000 are added every day. We check every single internet domain registration as far as technically possible and immediately show you any domain that contains your trademark name.


Domains monitoring means regular check for newly registered, expiring and expired domain names identical or similar with trademark name of trademark holder. Trademark holders are notified about any move/change of domains relevant for their business.
You will have an overview of each domain with identical or similar name. This means you can check whether the domain accidentally violates your trademark. This can happen, for example, when a web site in someone else's property is presenting your product or service. In such case you can implemented Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy explained below. Moreover, if the domain does not violate your trademark but you want to get it into your portfolio for future monetization, you will be notified proper in time when domain expired or is expiring. Monitoring outputs can achieved cancel, suspend, or transfer a domain name from previous registrants who violates trademark holders rights.
If there is no other way to get a domain with the same or the same name as your trademark, the last option is to borrow the domain and buy it later. That is why you can use our draft where you will find all the important legal details regarding the rental agreement of domains for business purposes. Our draft can be find in customer dashboard.
After receiving the reference number, register on the web portal. After successful registration, the service will be activated for you. The first information outputs will be displayed after a few hours.


  • WIPO Orders Transfer of ‘thedailymailpolitics.com’ Domain to Associated Newspapers

    WIPO Orders Transfer of ‘thedailymailpolitics.com’ Domain to Associated Newspapers

    In a recent ruling, the WIPO arbitration panel ordered the transfer of the domain name <thedailymailpolitics.com> to Associated Newspapers Limited, the publisher of the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday. The dispute arose when Associated Newspapers challenged the registration of the domain, arguing it infringed on their long-established trademark, 'DAILY MAIL,' which is widely recognised across print and online media. The panel found the domain name confusingly similar to the trademark, noting that the inclusion of 'the' and 'politics' reinforced the association with the complainant’s publications, particularly given their extensive political coverage. It further determined that the respondent, Freddy Paul of Daily Mail News, Australia, lacked legitimate interests and registered the domain in bad faith, supported by its passive use and lack of response to the complaint. The decision underscores the critical importance of safeguarding intellectual property rights in the digital age, particularly for media entities. Chart below shows the revenue of News Corp. worldwide from 2017 to 2024, by region (in million U.S. dollars), offering a comparative perspective on the financial landscape of global media companies.


  • Klarna Eyes U.S. IPO Amid Strong Financial Turnaround

    Klarna Eyes U.S. IPO Amid Strong Financial Turnaround

    Swedish payments giant Klarna has filed confidential documents with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, signaling preparations for a potential stock market debut. While the size and valuation of the offering remain undisclosed, reports suggest it could value the company at $15–20 billion. CEO Sebastian Siemiatkowski hinted earlier this year that a U.S. listing was under serious consideration, though European options are still on the table. Klarna’s strong first-half financial rebound, with a profit of 673 million Swedish kronor (€58 million) following prior losses, was fueled by staff reductions and AI-driven efficiencies in customer service. A U.S. IPO would follow in the footsteps of Spotify’s 2018 listing in New York, marking another setback for European capital markets as innovative firms increasingly turn to the U.S. for public offerings. Founded in 2005, Klarna is a pioneer in 'buy now, pay later' services, offering flexible payment solutions like direct payments, post-delivery options, and installment plans. The following chart illustrates the market share of “buy now, pay later” services in selected countries.


  • Nestlé Secures Domain Victory, Reinforces Global Brand Protection

    Nestlé Secures Domain Victory, Reinforces Global Brand Protection

    In a recent WIPO decision, Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., a global leader in food and beverages, successfully opposed OSS Beck’s registration of four domain names: <nestldinr.top>, <nestle2inr.xyz>, <nestl2inr.top>, and <nestiea.com>. Nestlé argued these domains, mimicking its trademark, were likely to confuse users and harm its brand. The panel found that the domains were used for deceptive purposes, including phishing schemes and promoting fraudulent services. Given the clear attempt to capitalize on Nestlé’s well-established brand, the panel ruled in favor of Nestlé, ordering the transfer of the domains. This case underscores the importance of domain protection strategies for multinational companies facing cybersquatting and brand misuse. Nestlé, the largest FMCG company globally, has demonstrated remarkable adaptability in challenging markets through strategic acquisitions and divestments. Its North American business is a testament to the value of well-timed acquisitions. Nestlé’s significant success in the U.S. pet care market traces back to acquisitions of Spillers Petfoods and Ralston Purina, which established Nestlé as a major player in the pet food sector, particularly in North America. The company’s growth strategy exemplifies its commitment to maintaining its industry leadership worldwide.
