Compare Your Trademark with Similar Graphic Representations of the Latest Trademarks That Have Been Applied for Registration.
We often come across a version of a trademark that is solely represented in a figurative form, lacking a textual counterpart. In response to this, we've implemented a fresh section within the customer panel to present the outcomes of corresponding figurative trademarks. The owner of the trademark now has the ability to weigh the resemblances of the graphic representation with the newest trademarks awaiting registration. In the improved section, a comparative catalog of the most recent figurative trademarks is made available for your examination. You are now able to verify if there is a resemblance to your unique figurative trademark. Every newly applied figurative trademark undergoes a procedure in which its visual form is contrasted. The similarities within their patterns are instantly discernible from the generated reports. For further insight into this process, please refer to a sample report available in our demo.