Trademark Publications in Luxembourg: A Deep Dive into 2023 Trends

According to recent data, an astounding 73.5% of all trademark publications this year originate from this region, far exceeding the contributions from other cantons. In comparison, canton Esch-sur-Alzette contributes a relatively modest 11.8% to the total number of trademark publications.

According to recent data, an astounding 73.5% of all trademark publications this year originate from this region, far exceeding the contributions from other cantons. In comparison, canton Esch-sur-Alzette contributes a relatively modest 11.8% to the total number of trademark publications. In terms of trademark classifications, class 35, encompassing advertising and business services, leads the way, accounting for 33.5% of all trademarks. This trend is mirrored in Luxembourg City, where the figure is slightly higher at 34.8%. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto, denoted as class 42, represent 21.3% of the overall trademarks (20.9% in Luxembourg City). Class 41, involving education and entertainment services, is close behind at 21.2%, with Luxembourg City showing a slightly higher prevalence at 23.8%. However, the statistics diverge more dramatically when we look at class 30, encompassing food and drink products. In Luxembourg as a whole, this category accounts for a substantial 10% of trademarks, yet it represents only 3.7% in the city itself, suggesting different business focuses between the city and the wider canton.

Analyzing the language used in these trademarks, the top ten words for 2023 so far are: 'Luxembourg', 'One', 'Club', 'Group', 'Bugatti', 'Grand', 'Solutions', 'Havana', 'Cleaner', and 'Prada'. Interestingly, when comparing with the city of Luxembourg, the words 'Home' and 'Oasis' emerge, indicating potentially different market trends or consumer interests within the city boundaries. Our charts, maps, and word clouds provide more granular insights into these intriguing patterns and differences in trademark publications between Luxembourg City and the rest of the canton. As 2023 progresses, it will be fascinating to monitor how these trends develop, potentially giving us a glimpse into the ever-evolving business dynamics in this prosperous European region.
